News from DTU Biosustain

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21 APR

2014 SPIE EAPAD from 9-13 March in San Diego California USA

The Electronics Group were well represented at the SPIE EAPAD 2014 in San Diego in March!

Electrotechnology and automation
Robotter blæser ilt i rygerlunger
11 APR

Robotter blæser ilt i rygerlunger

Hospitaler tester nyt udstyr, som kan spare millioner og gøre livet lettere for kol-patienter

Electrotechnology and automation Robot technology and automation
Invitation to RoboCup 2014
11 MAR

Invitation to RoboCup 2014

We welcome you to join us for RoboCup 2014 at DTU in Lyngby on the 10th of April at 11:00 AM.  This year it will be held in DTU's main Library in building 101D, Anker...

Electrotechnology and automation Robot technology and automation Construction and mechanics
Drej på batterierne til fjernbetjeningen/turn the remote control batteries
21 JAN

Drej på batterierne til fjernbetjeningen/turn the remote control batteries

Lektor Ole Ravn udtaler sig til Jyllands-Posten om, hvorfor det er smart at dreje batterierne i fjernbetjeningen. In an article in the newspaper Jyllands-Posten Associate...

Electrotechnology and automation Energy and supply
EMS/Elektro appointment
16 JAN

EMS/Elektro appointment

EMS/Elektro appointment of Vitaliy Zhurbenko to associate professor

Microwave technology

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