DTU open science

DTU's Research Data Management Policy

Status: Revised and approved Spring 2023.

Summary: DTU's Research Data Management Policy emphasizes the importance of managing research data effectively throughout its lifecycle. The policy, revised and approved in spring 2023, aligns with the FAIR principles, ensuring that data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. Researchers are guided to make data FAIR, with the understanding that not all data must be open but should have descriptive metadata for sharing. The policy underlines the necessity of Open Access publication for DTU's research outputs, ensuring free public access and supporting professional collaboration. It also addresses compliance with GDPR, requiring personal data to be anonymized or deleted after a set period unless further processing is documented and approved. DTU's commitment to these principles supports its ambition to rank among the top technical universities in Europe and fosters reliable, credible, and reproducible research outcomes.

Contact infodatamanagement@dtu.dk


DTU Open Science guidelines

Status: Active

Summary: The DTU Library tool created for researchers provides guidelines and information needed to make research outputs future-proof through Open Science. This includes Open Access to publications and to research data. The resource guides users through the life cycle from planning, to conducting, to publishing research.

Contact: DTU Library, bibliotek@dtu.dk

Source: https://findit.dtu.dk/openscience

DTU Orbit

Status: Active

Summary: DTU Orbit is the official research database of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) provided by DTU Library. DTU Orbit provides an overview of research output, i.e. publications, to which DTU employees have contributed. DTU Orbit also offers the possibility of cross search publications, projects, activities, prizes, press/media, department profiles and staff profiles. For research datasets visit DTU Data.

Contact infoorbit@dtu.dk

DTU Data

Status: Active

Summary: DTU Data is DTU's repository designed for publishing and indexing research data and software. It serves as a platform to publish, make visible, and discover research data generated in projects at DTU or by DTU researchers. Data published in DTU Data is, by default, openly available on the internet, allowing anyone to search, find, and download data via the user interface. However, access to research data can be restricted as necessary. All published datasets in DTU Data are assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), serving as a unique and persistent ID and providing a unique, stable, and permanent link, a URL leading to the landing page of the dataset. The DOI also facilitates correct citation, similar to articles in scientific journals. DTU Data's functionalities align with the FAIR principles and help researchers comply with expectations from DTU, funders, and publishers regarding access to research data.

Contact info: DTU Library, datamanagement@dtu.dk

Source: https://www.inside.dtu.dk/en/medarbejder/forskning-innovation-og-raadgivning/forskningsdata/dtu-data; https://data.dtu.dk/

DTU Research Publication Policy

Status: Approved March 15, 2023, and became effective from the time it was published on DTU's intranet, DTU Inside. The Policy should be considered for review every five years.

Summary: The policy ensures that publication at DTU is in line with the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, Danish National Strategy for Open Access, DTU Research Policy, and the requirements of research funders, including the EU.

  1. Research Integrity: Aligns with the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and National Strategy for Open Access, both of which are summarised below.
  2. Authorship Criteria: Follows the Vancouver Recommendations for authorship attribution. It is important to be aware that different scientific fields may differ from such guidelines due to specific circumstances of their research. This kind of deviation is acceptable as long as the alternative rules regarding the attribution of authorship are clearly stated from the start of the project. Read more about DTU’s Principles for good scientific conduct (next summary) on DTU Inside.
  3. Open Access: Encourages Open Access publishing to make research widely available and to facilitate scientific collaboration, research result utilization, and societal knowledge access. Researchers are advised to consider factors like recognition, audience reach, and costs when choosing where to publish. Open access can be achieved through repositories (green Open Access), Open Access journals (golden Open Access), or Open Access articles in subscription journals (hybrid Open Access). DTU favours green Open Access and recommends avoiding excessive costs associated with golden and hybrid Open Access unless specific circumstances apply.
  4. Copyright Management: Advises on retaining rights and using Creative Commons licenses.

This policy emphasizes transparency, honesty, and the responsible management of publications by DTU researchers. It also details the process for registration and archiving of scientific works.

Contact: DTU Library, elibrary@dtu.dk

Source: https://www.inside.dtu.dk/en/medarbejder/forskning-innovation-og-raadgivning/forskningspublicering

DTU Principles for good scientific conduct

: Latest update February 2022

Summary: DTU emphasizes high-quality, reliable research, adhering to principles of honesty, transparency, and accountability. The DTU code of conduct aligns with the Danish code of conduct for research integrity. The code covers research planning, data management, publication, authorship, collaborative research, and conflicts of interest. DTU mandates a course in good scientific practice for new employees, including PhD students, and integrates these principles into teaching and student guidance. Cases of non-compliance are managed by designated officers, with potential reconsideration of awarded degrees for serious breaches.

Special note on authorship:

  1. DTU does not have an explicit guideline for determining corresponding authorship. However, it is recommended that a senior researcher with a permanent position or the leader of the research group overseeing the project takes on this role. This suggestion stems from the need for the corresponding author to manage future inquiries regarding the study. Holding a permanent position at DTU guarantees ongoing access to essential research data, approvals (e.g., ethical), primary materials, and lab protocols. Additionally, it is recommended that the corresponding authorship is assigned to the last author and senior researcher on the project employed at DTU. While it is important to recognize each author's scientific contributions in a research paper, being the corresponding author does not directly indicate their scientific influence on the study.
    1. The role of a corresponding author varies across journals and is commonly described as the individual primarily responsible for overseeing the publication process of a manuscript, as outlined by definitions in Elsevier and Nature publications.
    2. Within life science fields, authorship order indicates each researcher's scientific input in the study. The first author typically denotes the individual with the most significant contribution, frequently a PhD student. The second author, usually a postdoc, has also made a significant contribution, often involving supervision of the PhD student. The final author is the researcher overseeing the entire research project, and those between the second and last author are positioned based on their respective contributions.
  2. DTU follows the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and the Vancouver guidelines for authorship attribution. Acknowledgment of each researcher's input in scientific work should adhere to these principles and should be evident in the author contributions section of the journal. For DTU specific explanations, see here: https://issuu.com/dtudk/docs/dtu-danish-code-of-conduct-for-research-integrity-

Contact info: Merian Skouw Haugwitz-Hardenberg-Reventlow, Senior Executive Research Integrity Officer, AFRI, mehau@dtu.dk

General resources


FAIR data DTU Inside documentation on the FAIR principles

Publishing Open Access – DTU Inside information and resources for publishing open access

DTU Research Output Statistics – DTU Findit statistics graphics generator for publications (select open access to view open access publications)

Open Access discounts – APC – DTU Inside documentation with links to journals where DTU has an agreement about open access publishing

Planning research data management DTU Inside information on requirements from funders (links to funding agencies) and publishers with regards to specifically open research data